PES 2020 Tools : Kits Studio 2020 by Zlac

Kit Studio 2020 - version 1.0.5 - UniColor, UniformParameter, KitConfig, RefereeColor and TeamColor editor, GDB exporter for Kitserver
PES 2020 Tools : Kits Studio 2020 by Zlac

- Supports only PC files - console files are NOT supported directly (use multi-converter to convert your files from/to console formats)
- kits per team configuration
kit types - normal, GK, CL (still available to choose, but won't work in-game, due to removal of licensed Champions League mode)
- kit icons
- kit colors (for kit selection menu, etc.)
- add/remove kits to the team (up to 10 kits per team)
- conversion of unlicensed team entries to licensed (e.g. to enable CL kits)
- ability to delete unwanted unlicensed team entries (e.g. duplicated teams)
- ability to add new team entries (e.g. for extra teams that you already created by yourself in Team.bin)
- ability to delete licensed team entries via the popup menu
- saved .bin files are always Zlib-compressed
- improved team filtering by name - filter boxes now accept all characters (interpunction, characters with umlauts, carets, etc.)
- filters accept team Id's and team names
- hex color-codes displayed in color pickers
- export/import of individual licensed team entries via the popup menu
- mass CSV export/import for all teams
- colored mini-kit icons preview (based on PES 2015 kit icons - may not be 100% accurate for PES 2020)
- ability to unlicensed licensed team entries (two options - unlicensed of the unicolor entry only or unlicensed in both unicolor.bin and team.bin file) via the pop-up menu
- realUni .bin config files editing
- synchronization of kit references between UniColor.bin and EDIT00000000 (from Unicolor to EDIT only) - a semi-experimental option that may (or may not) solve the problems that appear when changes to kit distribution in UniColor do not show in-game because the game (i.e. community patches) is already using EDIT00000000 file with the different kit distribution.
ability to delete kits stored in EDIT00000000, that was created in Edit mode (two options - deletion of all edit mode kits per individual licensed team (on 'Licensed UniColor entries' tab) and global deletion of each and every edit mode kit available (on 'Misc' tab)) - another semi-experimental feature which may or may not solve the problems that appear because data in UniColor and EDIT00000000 are not ideally synchronized.

[NEW in 2020, v1.0.2] RefereeColor.bin support - adding more slots for referee kits and editing base colors for referee kits

[NEW in 2020, v1.0.3] TeamColor.bin support - editing team-related colors

[NEW in 2020, v1.0.3] changing the .exe and data pack versions stored in EDIT00000000 file (v1.0.2 was only able to display those numbers)

[NEW in 2020, v1.0.5] One-Click synchronization of kit slots from UniColor.bin to EDIT00000000 for all teams (see Misc tab) - supplements the individual "Sync team_X to EDIT00000000" button on "Licensed UniColor entries" tab

.Net Framework 4.5


Old Version

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